The following is the Supercard Membership Agreement between Supercarddx ("we and us") and the person whose name appears on the account, Supercard and/or welcome email/letter ("you").


Supercard is available to UK Residents aged 18 or over and who are legally able of entering a binding contract. Supercard Membership is void where prohibited by law.

1. Supercard Membership Benefits. As a Supercard Member, you are entitled to Benefits and/or other Discounts on certain products and services offered by participating vendors ("Benefits") explained on the Supercard website and Supercard app.

2. Supercard Monthly Membership Term. If you are on a Monthly billing Membership, your Supercard Membership is effective for one month commencing on the date as stated in your Welcome Email and will be automatically renewed each month on the anniversary of your joining. Your membership is active immediately upon successful registration. You are not entitled to a refund on any preview or postage and packaging charges.

3. Supercard Annual Membership Term: If you are on an Annual billing Membership, your Supercard Membership is effective for 12 months commencing on the date as stated in your Welcome Email and will be automatically renewed each year on the anniversary of your joining. You are not entitled to a refund on any preview or postage and packaging charges.

4. Renewal of Supercard Membership. Your account will automatically renew unless you notify us that you wish to terminate this agreement and cancel your Supercard Membership by following the instructions below. As stated, for Monthly Members, your Supercard Membership will be renewed automatically on the monthly anniversary and on each month anniversary thereafter or for Annual Members on the annual anniversary thereafter.

5. Payment of Membership Fee. The payment of your Membership Fee is made automatically authorised by you, when you agreed to the preview of Supercard. We reserve the right to increase or decrease the monthly fee for each renewal term effective upon renewal of your Supercard Membership, but will notify you of any changes.

6. Collecting Payments. If there is an issue with collecting payment on your anniversary due to insufficient funds, we will try again several times at later dates. The date we retrieve these funds will become your new anniversary date for billing purposes and you will be charged on each monthly or annual anniversary (dependent on the membership term) thereafter. If we are unable to bill your specified billing source, you agree to provide an alternative billing source and we will contact you to arrange this. You may or may not be notified when we are unable to bill your specified billing source and are expected to contact us to update your details. If you do not contact us we may contact you. If you are not up to date on your payments your Supercard membership will be restricted until your account is up to date. If you fail to pay your Supercard Membership fee, either through the authorised billing source, or any alternative means within one month of the fee being due, then we shall have the right to terminate your Supercard Membership.

7. Full Member. A 'full member' is defined, as a Member who is past the preview period, has not cancelled their Membership and who is up to date with payment for their Supercard Membership.

8. Unlocking of rewards. When your Supercard term begins, you will receive a Welcome Email which activates your preview Membership and you will be entitled to the "unlocked" Membership Benefits for the remaining Membership term from the date of sale.

9. Use of Supercard Membership. You will promptly notify us if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your Supercard Membership Benefits, or if your Supercard is lost or stolen.

10. Disclaimer of Liability. You agree that we are not responsible or liable for providing benefits as we do not provide of the Benefits; these are solely provided by participating vendors and, if you have any claims relating to any of these Benefits, you will claim directly against the vendor providing the Benefit. We make or give no warranties or representations, express or imply whether as to satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, with respect to any of the goods purchased from or services provided by any of the participating vendors or related information provided by them to you. Under no circumstances shall our liability exceed your current monthly Supercard Membership fee and under no circumstances shall we be liable for your incidental or consequential damages. We reserve the right to eliminate, add, change and substitute Benefits and participating vendors without notice to you. We assume no responsibility for the payment of or contribution to VAT or similar tax, which taxing authorities may impose and such taxes, to the extent imposed, shall remain your sole responsibility or that of the vendor of the Benefits, as the case may be. THIS DISCLAIMER DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR STATUTORY RIGHTS.

11. Terms and Conditions of Benefits. Full terms and conditions relating to each benefit is shown on the Supercard website and Supercard app. We urge you to read these and if you have any questions, to call the Supercard Concierge Team on 0345 174 0502.

12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the Terms of Supercard Membership and warranties, representations, terms, conditions, inducements, promises or agreements concerning the Supercard Membership and unless expressly included in this Agreement they shall not form part of this Agreement or have any force or effect. If any of the terms of this Agreement shall become invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms shall not be affected.

13. Governing Law. This Agreement and the Terms of Supercard Membership shall be governed and construed in accordance with English law.

14. Data Protection. Your personal details will be held by us and used by us for Supercard Membership administration and marketing purposes. By becoming a Supercard Member you expressly consent to this. We will only disclose your details to any people involved with the processing of the Supercard.
Membership services. We shall require the recipients of your information to keep it confidential at all times and not to disclose to any unauthorised parties. Further details can be found within our Privacy Policy.

15. Termination of Supercard Membership. You may terminate your Supercard Membership at any time during your preview period by calling the Supercard Concierge Team on 0345 174 0502 who will provide you with a cancellation email as proof of cancellation. It can take up to two working days to deal with cancellations. If you are charged during this time, you will not be entitled to a refund. Once cancelled you will not have access to Supercard's features, benefits and rewards.
You may be requested to return, by post, your Supercard together with anything further sent to you. If you are requested to return anything by post, only upon receipt of receiving the returned items, your Supercard Membership will be cancelled. Please allow 1 working day (on receipt of receiving your returned Supercard) for any cancellations to be processed and ongoing monthly payments to be cancelled. You are not entitled to a refund on any preview, postage and packaging charges or the fee for the cancellation month or any prior payments within your agreement. All fees are non-refundable. Please note, rewards such as hotel bookings cannot be made or redeemed after you have cancelled your Membership as you must be an ‘active’ member on the day the reward commences. If you are not you may be denied that reward at the venue. Hotel bookings cannot be made or redeemed after you have cancelled your Membership as you must be an ‘active’ member on the day of arrival at the hotel.
Reservation of rights. We reserve the right to eliminate, add, change and substitute benefits and vendors without notice. We further reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of this agreement and any Supercard Membership policies at any time without prior notice.

16. Refund Policy Supercard will allow a customer to cancel during their preview and no further payments will be taken. The p&p charge is non-refundable. To cancel Members must call Supercard on 0345 174 0502.

17. Cashback Claims by email. If you are entitled to claim cashback as part of your Membership and you want to claim via email. Please email a copy of the receipt as proof of purchase of the company you signed up through to We will send a cheque to you within 4 weeks of receiving the copy of your purchase. Cheques can only be made payable in the name of the Supercard holder. You need to be an active Supercard member at the time of sending your cheque. Only one cashback can only be claimed per Supercard member and a unique receipt must be provided for the cashback claimed. For any queries, call our Concierge Team on 0345 174 0502.

18. Cashback Claims by post. If you are entitled to claim cashback as part of your Membership and you want to claim via post. Please post a copy of the receipt as proof of purchase of the company you signed up through to Supercard Worldwide Ltd. 124 Finchley Road, London. NW3 5JS. We will send a cheque to you within 4 weeks of receiving the copy of your purchase. Cheques can only be made payable in the name of the Supercard holder. You need to be an active Supercard member at the time of sending your cheque. Only one cashback can only be claimed per Supercard member and a unique receipt must be provided for the cashback claimed. For any queries, call our Concierge Team on 0345 174 0502.

19. Supercard Complaints Procedure. Click here to download a copy of our complaints procedure.